5Toubun no Hanayome (
Gotōbun no Hanayome?), also known as
The Quintessential Quintuplets is a romantic-comedy manga series written and illustrated by
Negi Haruba.
The story follows a high school student named Fuutarou Uesugi, who comes from a poor family and is extremely studious but also anti-social. One day, he is hired as a tutor by a wealthy family to teach the five daughters who are all quintuplets. These sisters, who have complex personalities and terrible grades, initially have a negative impression of Fuutarou. However, as he helps them improve their grades and navigate their personal issues, his relationship with each sister begins to develop in different ways, eventually leading to a romantic outcome with one of them. The series has been praised for its engaging characters, humorous plot, and intriguing romantic twists.