Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu is a light novel series by Kenji Inoue that later gained both a manga adaptation and an anime adaptation. The main setting of the series is Fumizuki Academy, a school where its students are rigidly divided based on the results of their academic scores. At the start of the students' second year, they are academically sorted by their scores on the placement test. The higher their grades, the higher their class rank and the better their benefits. In this case, Class A is filled with the highest-scoring students; therefore, their classroom was filled with many prestigious items (air conditioners, fancy seats, huge spaces, etc.), while the state of Class F is the complete opposite of that, representing the "bottom of the barrel" amenities.
This academy has something special, where all the students manage to call forth Summoned Beings (Shōkanjū). These Beings are used for battles between the classes to capture the facilities of the classroom. Since Class A is filled with prodigies, they all have strong Summoned Beings, while Class F has drastically weak ones in comparison. These beings are supplied in health by the matter of knowledge in a certain subject. Points vary and could even be supplied greatly in a F student if when calling a battle.
The main story is about Akihisa Yoshi, main protagonist along with his friends and their daily school life and their struggle to beat the other classes and to gain their facilities.