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Battle for Bragging Rights Wiki

BFBR Is a yet to be created Object Show Created by Pyraminx. ([ This is a show where 48 objects compete for the grand prize of "Bragging Rights".

Characters Asddasasdasddsadassda

Object Show Wikis

These wikis relate to the popular animated and anthropomorphic "object shows", primarily made on YouTube. Go to them for info or for help with your own wiki!

After SchooligansAnimated Inanimate BattleAnthropomorphic WorldArticle InsanityAmazing Battle CentreAmazing Object BattleAwesome Object Battle Battle For BOIBattle for Bragging RightsBattle for CircleBattle for IDFBBattle for Dream IslandBattle for Dream Island Fanon Battle For Dream PlanetBattle for Fries from Wendy'sBattle For GrandmaBattle for Hotel TransavinaBattle for ImmunityBattle For Luxurious HotelBattle for MSAgents Battle For Nintendo Switch Battle For Palace Objects ReloadedBattle For The CashBattle For Tree Battle Of Objects Battle of the Insane ObjectsBefore Oc LandBioChem300 Wiki (AXIS, TSIGPIGS/WBR, FIFA, PEACH)Bolty AdventuresBrawl Of The ObjectsBurger BrawlCalculated BattlegroundsChallenge to WinClashdown of the ItemsCode RedCreepsington Object ShowsEpic Brawl Object BattleExcellent EntitiesFlipnote Object BattleFight In FlightInanimate Fight-OutInanimate InsanityInanimate ObjectsInanimate TVIncredible Items Insane ShapesMelody StarModern ObjectsMysterious Object Super ShowNon-EntityNonexistent LivingObject ConnectsObject CringeObject DazzleObject DerpinessObject DivisionObject EnableObject ExtraordinaryObject FillerObject FlashObject HavocObject IllusionObject InsanityObject InvasionObjectionObject LandObject LockdownObject MadnessObject ManiaObject MayhemObject OverloadObject Survival IslandObject RedundancyObject SagaObject SchizophreniaObject Shows CommunityObject Show Logos WikiObject TerrorObject TowelObject TrekObject UniverseObject Weird WonderObjects at SeaObjectpediaOC LandOCR and AviutlOdd ObjectsONEOn Thin IceOpen Source ObjectsOtherworldly Ravenous BeastPaper Puppets Take 2PowerPoint BattleQuest For Paradise IslandRace For The KeysRapid ShutdownRush Hour EliminationSuper Dumb Joke ShowSuper Object BattleSuper Object TurboSurrounded In Tacks and Sewing NeedlesSpectacular Object ShowThe Absolutely Spectacular Fight For Seventy Thousand U.S DollarsThe Captain's ContestThe Daily Object ShowThe Minute-ly Object ShowThe New York Camp Universe The Object ProjectThe Object Show MovieThe Plushy BattleThe Strive For The MillionThingy WarTime Travel BattleTotal ObjectsTwitter Object ShowUltimate InsanityUntitled Object ShowVillage Of ObjectsWhen Objects WorkWorst ObjectsYet Another Gameshow Zooming Entities Rampage Outlandishly

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