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Bayonetta Wiki


Welcome to the Bayonetta Wiki!

The Bayonetta video game database that anyone can edit!

Warning: this wiki contains unmarked spoilers as well as strong language and suggestive themes.

This wiki currently has 478 articles and 4,968 pictures.

Bayonetta is a series of fast-paced hack 'n' slash video games developed by PlatinumGames. The first game, Bayonetta, was released in 2009 and has been re-released on multiple consoles as well as PC. A sequel, Bayonetta 2, was developed in a partnership with Nintendo and released in 2014 on the Wii U followed by a 2018 re-release on the Nintendo Switch. A third game, Bayonetta 3, was released exclusively for the Nintendo Switch in 2022. The main character of the games, Bayonetta, has featured in other popular games such as Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and references to the series appear in more games such as Devil May Cry. The series features a few spin-offs, including a 16-bit side-shooter and a pachislot game.
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Helping out

  • If you want to help but you're not sure where to start, check the various reports at the Community Page.
  • Try improving the various stub articles by expanding them.
  • Uploading game screenshots is another way to help out. Check for pages in need of images. Don't forget to add categories and a description!
  • Check the list of wanted pages for frequently linked-to articles that don't exist yet.
  • Clean up articles that are in need of attention.
  • Fix maintenance reports.

As the Bayonetta Wiki is a canon database for the video game series, the Wiki is not the place for fanon material. However, you may upload clean fanon pictures to your user page and/or blog. For a wiki on all fanon material, please check out our sister wiki, the Bayonetta Fanon Wiki!
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Platinum Games Wiki

Bloodstained Wiki

Action-Adventure Games

ActRaiserAfterimageARK: Survival EvolvedArc of AlchemistAlan WakeAssassin's CreedAstral ChainAsura's WrathAnno: MutationemBayonettaThe Binding of IsaacBloodstainedCastlevaniaChibi-Robo!ControlCrackdownCyberpunkDarksidersDays GoneDead MazeDetroit: Become HumanDevil May CryDragon's CrownDriver: Parallel LinesFairuneFran BowFroggerGauntletThe GetawayGod EaterGrand Theft AutoGravity RushGungraveHITMANHorizonInfamousJust CauseKenshiL.A. NoireLast Day on Earth: SurvivalThe Last of UsLegacy of KainLegend of ZeldaLEGO DimensionsLEGO GamesLEGO Marvel and DCLightseekersLollipop ChainsawThe Longest JourneyLuigi's MansionMadWorldMafiaMarvel's Guardians of the GalaxyMarvel's Spider-ManMediEvilMercenariesMetal GearMonster HunterMultiAdventuresNinja GaidenNo More HeroesŌkamiOnimushaPrince of PersiaPhoenotopiaQuantum BreakRyse: Son of RomeRed DeadRetro City RampageThe SaboteurSenran KaguraShenmueSleeping DogsSphinx and the Cursed MummySplinter CellSubnauticaSystem ShockSyvalionTercerisTomb RaiderTornado OutbreakToukidenUnchartedValkyrie DriveVanquishWatch DogsYakuza

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