Welcome to the Black Magic II Wiki!
There are currently 334 articles on the Black Magic II Wiki, and there are more to come!
We've moved to Miraheze! Come check us out! https://blackmagicii.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page
About the Black Magic II Wiki.
This wiki is currently under construction, and is designed to help anyone that has any questions about Black Magic II, or to help newcomers understand the game and it's mechanics, or simply for anyone! Our goal is to document all the gameplay, features and details behind the game. Feel free to add anything about the game! To start, follow the directions on the right side of this page.
About Black Magic II
Black Magic II: Phantom's Causatum, or simply Black Magic II, is a Roblox fighting game by QQ Studios inspired by numerous fighting games such as Street Fighter, BlazBlue, and Under Night In-Birth.
We also have a Discord server, where you can receive gameplay help from other members of the community, showcase your art skills, and catch the latest on Black Magic II's development.
Black Magic II - https://www.roblox.com/games/969669348/Black-Magic-II-Phantoms-Causatum-ALPHA
Black Magic Community Discord - https://discord.gg/6Xx9MMn
Get Started
Black Magic II Wiki | Welcome to the Black Magic II Wiki! Here you can edit pages, add information, or even talk with the community! To start, Sign Up, read the Wiki Rules, see which pages need need some work, and after that, simply start editing! (Reminder that we are not in any way associated with the Black Magic II developers, and we in no way work on the game) |
Black Magic II Lore | Although this wiki has lore, it's currently very outdated, and will be worked on in the near future. For more accurate and in-depth information about Black Magic II's universe, visit The Black Magic Lore Hive Wiki! |
Black Magic II Guides | If you want to learn how to play a class, or learn more about it and it's playstyle, check out the Class Guides category, or simply hover your mouse over the Classes button above the article pages, then hover it over the Class Guides button, and select the class you want to learn about! |
Black Magic II Developers | We are in no way associated with the developers of Black Magic 2. If you want to suggest anything, join the Black Magic 2 Community Server through the invite link in the main page! Otherwise, although very unlikely, you can suggest ideas in the QQ Studios Group Wall! |