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Camp Live Wiki

Welcome to the Camp Live Wiki

Camp Live, stylized as Camp LIVE is an object camp created by Wuggolo, primarily on Discord. The camp was hosted by Flashy until season 3, and the show was taken over by his sister, Flash-she.


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Object Camp Wikis

These wikis relate to the popular animated genre of online competition camps called "object camps", primarily on Discord and DeviantArt. Go to them for info or for help with your own wiki!

The Race Of ChildrenCTCCamp LiveQuick D.R.A.WBattle For McDonald'sCamp Super SlamThe Daily Object CampBarley Involves Any StressCamp EvilCamp NostalgiaCamp ByeRoad to StardomCamp Name PendingSticky's GameshowRoulette RumbleCamp BYEBeat Up a KidFantasy FightCamp Battle RoyaleBattle for MagicRace To Reach The RoofBattle of GeniusesHucklebattle