This Wiki revolves around the Cry Babies franchise and Cry Babies Magic Tears show, a animated adventure comedy aimed at an young audience. Feel free to explore the wiki and all it's contents!
“Cry Babies Magic Tears” is an adventure comedy aimed at an audience of 4 to 7 years old. The Cry Babies live in a real world, but in their adventures they create a magical world. These adventures, with a funny touch, are lived by a group of babies who solve problems with their “Magic Tears”. It is a series inspired by teamwork, empathy and friendship. The series was created by Kitoons in 2018, and animated with Hampa Animation Studio. The show has 7 seasons so far and over 50 different babies in the show alone. The show also recently got it’s 7th season, and it even has its own spin-off show called BFF.