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Counter-Strike Online Wiki

Since March 2011, 1,994 reports and 26,991 snaps have been recorded.
Currently serving 11 generalissimos and 11 major generals.

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You aren't limited to the English language if you're looking for Counter-Strike Online or Counter-Strike Nexon contents on Fandom! There are wikis available in the following languages:

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If you are a fluent writer in one of these languages, we encourage you to join and contribute to any of these wikis. If it's inactive, we urge you to formally adopt it. Just fill in the Contact form on that wiki or message any of the admins at the bottom of the page and request to either contribute to an existing wiki or create a new wiki in your own language. If you've proven yourself to be noteworthy, we'll grant you the Administrator status. Please read our policy before you start editing.


WeaponButton EquipmentButton AmmunitionButton RexButton CharacterButton ItemButton SetButton
Weapon Equipment Ammunition Map Character Item Set


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Studio icon Original 2 Team deathmach 2 Death Basic Gun 2 Botzombi Zombi Hotzombiexpand Zombie hero Zombie3z Zombieannihilate Zombi4
Zombie scenario Humanscenario Allstar icon Playroom Zombieshelter Zombiescape Funmode Zombiegiant Pve Zombietouchdown Prophunt Partnermode Zhe
Zombi5 Scenariotx Lab Zombi teamcontrol SuperSoldier


Valve Nexon logo
Valve CorporationNEXON Corporation

Etc Fun Facts


Did you know that...

  • ...there are the faces of Light zombie and Heavy zombie on Frozen Terror's body?
  • ...Jim is the leader of Red Lizard Mercenaries and Norman was his most trusted comrade before he betrayed to Vanguard?
  • ...inside the Heavy zombie's body, there's a small banner showing "Copyright [2007] NEXON & Valve Corporation. All Rights Reserved."?
  • ...Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies was a contrast to Nexon's statement about the game being exclusive to Asian regions previously?
  • can throw flashbang twice with 1 quantity of flashbang in some Zombie Escape map?
  • ...functional doors can be destroyed in Zombie PvP modes?
  • ...the Blade Runebreaker maximum range more longer than B mode of Magnum Drill?
  • ...Flame Jackhammer, and Battle Ultimax-100 are never released in CSN:Z?
  • ...Blade Runebreaker is listed in CSN:Z's strings three times before its actual released?
  • ...CSN:Z is often used to tease other region's content by releasing nearly similar weapons?
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Affiliated Wikis

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Counter-Strike Wiki Cry of Fear

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Since November 22, 2010:
  • We have created a total of 1,994 articles.
  • A total of 26,991 images were uploaded.
  • 11 users are still active to date.
  • There are 295,993 edits on the wiki.
Think you can contribute to the numbers? Join us and pick up the challenge! We welcome anyone to our community!


Counter-Strike Online
Counter-Strike Online 2