You've landed at the Fandom Developers Wiki — but feel free to call us the Dev Wiki!
We’re Fandom’s premier destination for people who are looking to take a deep dive into coding. Whether you’re interested in exploring our code repository or finding a new feature for your home wiki, we’ve probably got a page or two you'll want to read. And there are lots of knowledgeable users around who are willing to lend a hand.
So take a few minutes to look around our front page. We think you’ll find something here that’ll help you make your part of Fandom just a bit more your own — just a little bit "cooler".
Going beyond JavaScript
You might think that Dev Wiki is just a place where JavaScript snippets are stored so that all Fandom wikis can use them.
But we do much more than that.
We provide useful code review to our fellow Dev Wiki contributors. (We don't like bugs any more than you do!) We offer translation services for the code you'll find here. We spitball the future by suggesting newer ways of looking at long-standing coding issues.
If you’re at all interested in how Fandom works under the hood, jump right in and start editing — even if you’re just asking a lot of questions!