So now you know what's next. The world of Norrath is wrought anew, and amidst all the upheaval are countless opportunities for adventure. EverQuest Next promises to throw the MMO world for a loop with unique systems, a malleable world, and an evolving, ever-expanding story. Stay up to date with all the latest developments and know exactly what awaits you when the new order emerges.
Guild Pages
In order to differentiate between Guild pages and actual in-game characters etc, it makes sense that all guild pages should be named with the prefix "Guild:" ie. "Guild: Crashtestdummies." This will avoid scenarios that could potentially cause conf…
For Fan Sites and Guilds
Hi everyone!
Fansites (which include guild pages, livestreams/webshows, podcasts, blogs, and more) are a significant part of the EverQuest Next community.
In order to those who run the sites to be able to keep their information up to date, and to all…
EQNLandmark Alpha
Me and many other members of the Acolytes community have started playing Landmark. Feel free to contact me in game if you'd like to hang with us! My character's name is Xinrae and my claim is on Liberation - Fault :)
It's awesome so far!