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Fred Figglehorn Wiki

Welcome to the Fred Figglehorn Wiki.
This is a collaborative online database of information relating to all things Fred and essentially the world of Fred Figglehorn. This wiki was founded in 2008 by Qwertywelch. We are currently editing over 273 articles, and you can help.

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Fred is a web series created by Lucas Cruikshank in 2008 that centers around the life of the hyperactive six-year-old Fred Figglehorn, a fictional character most known for his antics, high emotionality, and his high-pitched voice.

Due to becoming one of the biggest YouTube figures in the late 2000's/early 2010's, the franchise had expanded beyond the web series and into more mainstream media such as television before Cruikshank's retirement of the character in 2012. Currently, Fred is sometimes mentioned/portrayed in several instances on Cruikshank's personal YouTube channel.


As a result of the character's and the web series' popularity, various spin-off works that detail additional adventures of Fred were created, including a trilogy of movies, a show, and a cartoon before the character's retirement.

YouTube Series
Web series fred
TV Show
Fred the show icon
Fred cartoon
Fred: The Movie
Fred movie
Fred 2: NOTLF
Fred 2
Fred 3: Camp Fred
Fred 3

Main Characters

Mom icon
Fred icon
Kevin icon
Judy icon
Bertha icon


Fred logoYt Lucas channel iconTwitter logo


The Amazing Marble Race

Angry GrandpaAngry Video Game NerdAnimator vs. AnimationAnnoying OrangeAphmauAsdfmovieAwkward PuppetsBaby Lamb & FriendsBattle for Dream IslandBB Ki VinesBoot-UpBridger5BT21Captain SparklezCabiiCarmen KingCartoon BeatboxChannel FrederatorClare SiobhanCoryxKenshinThe CubeDanTDMDavemadsonDesmond DennisDixie D’AmelioDude PerfectEddsworldEdgy OobiEpic Rap Battle ParodiesEpic Rap Battles of HistoryFine BrosFred FigglehornFried Chili Cheese DogsFoil Arms and HogThe Game TheoristsGliderGreatest Freakout EverHermitcraftHobbyKids AdventuresHow It Should Have EndediHasCupquakeIloveRumaniaInanimate InsanityJackSepticEyeJaiden AnimationsJan Jan Erico CartoonsJazzyMewFanJoeysWorldTourKelseyDangerousKPoppKnights of the multiverseKushowaLDShadowLadyLet Me Explain StudiosLilsimsieLittle Einsteins RebootMarioMario54321MarkiplierMcJuggerNuggetsMeta RunnerMiss Madson Entertainment Inc.MistylyneMLG ParodyMrBeastMultiCoolmoviesMVPerryNewScapeProNigaHigaOnyxking67OverSimplifiedPamtriPencilmationPewDiePiePopToonsTVRayWilliamJohnsonRhett & LinkRooster TeethSakuraStarlightsScarceSchaffrillas ProductionsScott the WozSeducktiveSMG4SMLSMLYTPSmoshSomeThingElseYTSonicWhacker55SpongeBob SquarePants SSqaishey QuackStacyPlaysStampylongheadStarman3Stephen GeorgSuperJeffyJhacirTeam CraftedThe CreaturesTitototterTomSkaTroye SivanThe FamousonsUnspeakableVanossVat19Vester&FriendsWassabi ProductionsWikitubiaYogscastYou'll Know What to Name itYouTube OriginalsZiraxiaZombieGrass