Freezing, created by Dall-Young Lim and illustrated by Kwang-Hyun Kim, is a Japanese-Korean manga which started serialization in Kill Time Communication's magazine Comic Valkyrie in its March 2007 issue (released on January 27th, 2007). The first volume was released on October 26, 2007, with a total of sixteen volumes available in Japan as of November 2, 2012 under KTC's Valkyrie Comics imprint. On August 12th, 2010, an anime adaptation produced by A.C.G.T was announced, and aired 12 episodes in Japan between January and April 2011 on AT-X and other channels.
There are currently three spin-off series based on the world of Freezing being published. The first spin-off, called Freezing: First Chronicle (フリージング ファーストクロニクル Furījingu: Fāsuto Kuronikuru), illustrated by Jae-Ho Yoon, was serialized in Comic Valkyrie from the November 2011 issue to the March 2012 issue. The second spin-off, called Freezing: Zero (フリージングZERO Furījingu: Zero), illustrated by Soo-Cheol Jeong, began serialization in the May 2012 issue of Comic Valkyrie. The third spin-off, Freezing Pair Love Stories(フリージング ペアラブストーリーズ, Furījingu Pealabustooriisu), written by Lim Dall Young, illustrated by Kim So Hee, and published by Comic Valkyrie, which began serialization in the May 2012 issue of Comic Valkyrie.