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ItsFunneh Wikia


ItsFunneh Wikia is a website designed for The Fans of The YouTuber ItsFunneh, and The KREW. We are an open source encyclopedia based on them, which anyone can help edit! Want to meet other KF members? Join the discussions!

Remember, This wiki isn't ran by ItsFunneh and KREW, and they do not visit here. It's run by fans!

This wiki was established on 20th August 2016, but was adopted by Foodisyum on 17th December 2021. Since then, there have been 505 articles and 24,341 edits.

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Allen eating chips

Allen La, also known as DraconiteDragon, or Draco for short, [Born: May 12, 1998] is a Canadian-Vietnamese-Chinese YouTuber and the KREW's youngest brother. He makes different types of gaming videos with his 4 siblings, also known as KREW.

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