Hermitcraft Wiki

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Welcome to the Hermitcraft Wiki!
The unofficial wiki that documents everything about Hermitcraft. Anyone can edit!
157,979 edits to 18,894 articles • 30 active contributors


What is Hermitcraft?

Hermitcraft is a whitelist-only Minecraft Server started in April 2012 by Generikb and currently administered by Xisumavoid. There have been multiple vanilla and modded series and the server is currently on its tenth vanilla season. Its members, called Hermits, are popular Minecraft players who have been recognized by other Hermits and have been invited to join.


The Wiki

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We are currently housing 18,894 articles and 21,785 files.

Helping out

We welcome new contributors to edit our content. You can do so in many ways, like fixing typos or even revamping whole sections! Simply create an account (or log in) to start editing. View more at the community page.


You can visit our discussion, or view things to do in the community page. We also have a Discord Server for editors.

About this wiki

This wiki is dedicated to document everything about Hermitcraft, it's spinoffs and episodes, and such. Read more on what the wiki is about.

Want to contribute? Sure! You can start editing now, no account needed! (We recommend to create one, though. There are many benefits for it.) But be sure to read our rules, and go contribute! You should also look at the community page for additional infomation on what to do.

We also have a Discord Server for our fellow contributors and editors.

Did you know...

  • ... that GeminiTay has a dog called Winnie?
  • ... that Hermitcraft Recap used to be official at the start of Season 5, but became unofficial later on during the season?
  • ... that GoodTimesWithScar's first 500 videos were recorded on a Mac?
  • ... that VintageBeef once worked in a butcher shop, the inspiration behind his Minecraft skin and username, and also formerly worked as a photographer, mostly photographing cars?

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YouTube Wikis

Go to these sites for info or for help with your own wiki!

The Amazing Marble Race

Angry Grandpa

Angry Video Game NerdAnimator vs. AnimationAnnoying OrangeAphmauAsdfmovieAwkward PuppetsBaby Lamb & FriendsBattle for Dream IslandBB Ki VinesBoot-UpBridger5BT21Captain SparklezCabiiCarmen KingCartoon BeatboxChannel FrederatorClare SiobhanCoryxKenshinThe CubeDanTDMDavemadsonDesmond DennisDixie D’AmelioDude PerfectEddsworldEdgy OobiEpic Rap Battle ParodiesEpic Rap Battles of HistoryFine BrosFred FigglehornFried Chili Cheese DogsFoil Arms and HogThe Game TheoristsGliderGreatest Freakout EverHermitcraftHobbyKids AdventuresHow It Should Have EndediHasCupquakeIloveRumaniaInanimate InsanityJackSepticEyeJaiden AnimationsJan Jan Erico CartoonsJazzyMewFanJoeysWorldTourKelseyDangerousKPoppKnights of the multiverseKushowaLDShadowLadyLet Me Explain StudiosLilsimsieLittle Einsteins RebootMarioMario54321MarkiplierMcJuggerNuggetsMeta RunnerMiss Madson Entertainment Inc.MistylyneMLG ParodyMrBeastMultiCoolmoviesMVPerryNewScapeProNigaHigaOnyxking67OverSimplifiedPamtriPencilmationPewDiePiePopToonsTVRayWilliamJohnsonRhett & LinkRooster TeethSakuraStarlightsScarceSchaffrillas ProductionsScott the WozSeducktiveSMG4SMLSMLYTPSmoshSomeThingElseYTSonicWhacker55SpongeBob SquarePants SSqaishey QuackStacyPlaysStampylongheadStarman3Stephen GeorgSuperJeffyJhacirTeam CraftedThe CreaturesTitototterTomSkaTroye SivanThe FamousonsUnspeakableVanossVat19Vester&FriendsWassabi ProductionsWikitubiaYogscastYou'll Know What to Name itYouTube OriginalsZiraxiaZombieGrass