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Homescapes Wiki


Welcome to the wiki, Homescaper!

The Homescapes Wiki is a community-run, publicly accessible database that anyone can contribute to! We are the only resource of information related to the game, online & on Fandom. Help us expand & enhance our collection of content today! Before starting, take a look at the wiki rules. Have fun!

263 Articles11,579 Edits1,048 Files3 Active Users
Characters MainPage
Locations MainPage
Match-3 MainPage
Elements MainPage
Events MainPage
Characters Locations Match-3 Elements Events


Welcome to the Wiki!

Homescapes, the most heartwarming game from Playrix's Scapes™ series!
Beat colorful match-3 puzzles to renovate rooms in 3 glorious mansions; unlock even more exciting chapters in the story, starting at the very doorstep. Make yourself at home!

The game features:

  • Unique gameplay: help Austin renovate the house by matching pieces!
  • Interior design: decide how the room should look.
  • Exciting match-3 levels: tons of fun, featuring unique boosters and explosive combos!
  • Three huge, beautiful mansion: discover all their secrets!
  • Fantastic characters: watch them live their lives and interact in the in-game social network, Homespace.
  • A cute pet: meet а naughty and fluffy tomcat.

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The Homescapes Wiki, the only online resource of information related to the game.
A community-run public database and encyclopedia of knowledge anyone can contribute to; add and share your knowledge!

  • You may comment on articles (if enabled) and the wiki's discussion forum!
  • However, some rules are enforced and must be respected to maintain a fun, productive community.
  • Feel free to contact a staff member on their message wall.

The Homescapes Wiki has information about all of Homescapes's versions.
Most media/content (images, videos, etc.) on the wiki's articles are copyrighted by Playrix, either from the game itself or its social media accounts.

Enjoy your stay!



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Homescapes Communities

Playrix Support | Homescapes Mobile on Facebook | Playrix Homescapes on YouTube | Playrix Homescapes Twitter | Playrix Homescapes Instagram

I'm stuck on a level?

Stuck on a level? Use these helpful tips on beating

  • Filter YouTube tutorials to most recent, as the number of moves and pieces have been updated. This link would be a helpful playlist in getting all newest walkthroughs
  • Analyze the game field at first. If you don't get a good arrangement of pieces quit the level without wasting a move. You won't lose a life.
  • Making matches at the bottom of the field gives better chances with auto matches.
  • Search the official Homescapes Forums and use the tips in that thread for searching the forum.
  • Use the tips on the Playrix support website.
  • Visit the levels page or individual element page to get tips as well. You can leave a comment at the bottom of the page as well!