Welcome to the Jalopy Wikia
Jalopy is an Indie Adventure Simulation game developed by Greg Pryjmachuk, and published by Excalibur Games. Jalopy is currently an Early Access Game on the Steam Store, and isn't having really any updates anymore, as the publisher (Excalibur) wanted money for the distribution rights to Jalopy. And if Minskworks could hit a specific number with their game Landlord's Super, they would be in a position to then purchase those rights. Unfortunately, they were not in a position to buy those rights, due to Landlord's being a niche game. They have talked to Excalibur about how work on Jalopy can be continued, but they have worries. Specifically about making an update, only for Excalibur to promote a game made by themselves, presumably using the term 'From the creators of Jalopy' like they did with the game Road To Guangdong. The Minskworks website says this: "The current worry from our side is taking on the risk of producing a content update, only for them to use it to promote another game ala Guangdong. We’re not financially secure enough to take that risk at this time." This wikia was created on April 25, 2016. It has 1 active users, and 3,349 edits. |
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The game is currently in: See the Version History |
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