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The wiki about the Kirby franchise that anyone can edit.
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Villain Squeakers Villain
Squeakers are the underlings of Squeak Squad in Kirby: Squeak Squad. They appear wherever a large treasure chest is and hinder Kirby's progress so one of the three higher-ranking members of Squeak Squad can catch up to Kirby and take the treasure before he does. They give no copy ability when inhaled, and Ghost Kirby cannot possess these special enemies, either.
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In Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, it is possible to clear the stage Dig and Dash in less than a minute using a glitch. The Goal is in the first room, but is blocked off by a wall. The player must move Kirby to the upper area in front of the wall, then draw a rainbow rope at a steep incline. If he rolls up it at a specific angle while Tap Dashing, he can briefly pass out of bounds, letting him roll atop the wall and into the area with the Goal.
New admin!
24th January 2025
Hi there! Paul2 here with a quick announcement - DatMeme20 has officially been promoted to administrator! Much thanks to DatMeme for his contributions so far, particularly on Discussions, Kirby and the Forgotten Land pages and Kirby's Dream Buffet pages!

Thanks for everyone's continued support~
Content moderatorship!
23rd December 2024
Bonjam! It's Paul2 again with an end-of-year update. Our community has decided to make use of the content moderator position, with DatMeme20 becoming our first content mod.

This position essentially provides many of the same tools for contributors as adminship provides with a lower barrier of entry and without leadership expectations. Content mods have rollback, can protect/unprotect pages and delete unwanted pages and files, for example. Those trusted with these tools can improve their ability to fight vandalism and have more freedom in their contributions.

If you are at all interested, feel free to leave a request on this page. As we anticipate the next game release, we hope this position will help our community continue to be a premier source of Kirby news and info. Thank you~
Announcement section revival!
9th January 2024
Poyo! Paul2 here. Many changes have occurred since this section last saw the light of day in 2015. The Kirby series has grown and evolved, its community bigger than ever, and both Wikia/FANDOM and Twitter (our platform for announcements from 2016 to 2019) have completely rebranded. Despite these changes (and difficulties), our community has remained stable and is still an important resource for many within the Kirby fanbase. We hope to remain as thorough and accurate as possible!

This section will be updated when necessary with important community announcements (such as announcing and welcoming our newest administrator AceFedora), important Kirby news and Wiki events/projects. Thank you~!
Quote Corneredit

How dare you question His Majesty's integrity? Why, he's as honest as the day is dark!

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