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Magical Drop Library

Welcome to Our Humble Magical Drop Library!

What is Magical Drop, you might ask?

Magical Drop is an action-packed competitive puzzle series, doubling as the swan song of former arcade giant Data East Corporation. Debuting in 1995, the series's simple rules and loose, timing-based chaining system provided a frenetic alternative to slower paced Puyo Puyo-based games that were popular at the time. Complementing the series' exciting gameplay is its colorful stable of characters, loosely based on Tarot's "Major Arcana." From the bold Justice, to the beautiful World, to the charming Magician, Magical Drop's cast is every bit as memorable as its core mechanics.

This wiki hopes to become the number one resource for everything related to Magical Drop. But, as with all wikis, Magical Drop Library is a community effort. Feel free to join us in making this wiki the destination for one of the finest puzzle series in all of gaming!

Mainline Games
Other Games

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