Mapp and Lucia is a British comedy-drama based on the rivalry between two women in a quaint village, based on E. F. Benson's Mapp and Lucia collection of novels. The series features an ensemble cast, with British actresses Miranda Richardson and Anna Chancellor playing the eponymous characters Elizabeth Mapp and Emmeline 'Lucia' Lucas. It is set in the Sussex coastal town of Tilling, based very closely on Rye, East Sussex, where it was filmed and where Benson lived.
Mapp & Lucia is a British television series, set in a fictional Sussex coastal town and based on three 1930s novels by E. F. Benson. Aired on Channel 4 from the 1985 to 1986, it consisted of ten episodes over two seasons.
Demands from the Major are often accompanied by the command ‘Quai-hi!’ He spends his evenings poring over his old Indian experiences with a tumbler of whiskey and a good fire, is prone to toasting the King, ‘God bless him’, and is full of tales from his days hunting tigers.