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Welcome to the Markiplier Wiki!

This Wikia was founded on January 25, 2013 by Goldenblade2.
Markipedia Project was started on December 4, 2014 by Amonimus.
There are currently 8,311 articles and a total of 84,651 edits by all users.
We currently have some 7 active users.
Markiplier is a Gaming YouTuber, one of the top 100 most subscribed, who currently has 37+ million subscribers and 5600+ videos on his main channel, doing monthly charity livestreams and has done collaborations with other YouTubers such as Jacksepticeye, CinnamonToastKen, Yamimash, CaptainSparklez, SeaNanners, EatMyDiction1 and PewDiePie!

If you haven't already, go check out his YouTube channel for games like Minecraft, horror, fun things, and random stuff, all having to do with games/gaming! Go ahead and like, comment, and subscribe while you're at it! And as always, he'll see you in the next video. Bye-bye!

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News and Announcements:

Latest update: The Plan (September 1, 2024, Edge of Sleep and Iron Lung teasing

Warning! This wiki may contain some violent, sexual, or offensive content.
Viewer discretion is advised.
Warning! This wiki contains spoilers for various video game plots. Please, proceed with caution.
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