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Welcome to the official MLG Montage Parody Wiki, a free online encyclopedia written by MLG Pros. This wiki is written using sample text, it's completely virus free, and it's legit!!1!!11!!!1!!11
MLG Montage Parodies are YouTube videos, often remixes of popular games, shows, and movies. However, they involve swag additions including pixel glasses, Doritos, MTN Dew, weed, the first person shooter, etc.
We have 604 articles so far.
Before editing, plz be sure to read the Rules and Guidelines. And be sure to look out for the Illuminati! He could pop up on any page m8...11!
Meet the xXx_MLGcharacters_xXx
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:“gr8, m8, i r8 8/8 no h8!!1!11”
:― IGN noscoper :“I got a virus but it was worth it!” :― Osama Bin Laden :“Wow.” :― Eddy Wally :“” :― Materialisimo :“” :― The Senate |