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MarioMario54321 Wiki:Main Page

Wiki MarioMario54321

Welcome to the MarioMario54321 Wiki!

All you need to know about MM54321 in one convenient place!

NOTICE: Wiki Under Renovation

The MarioMario54321 Wiki is currently undergoing a massive renovation as we strive to update and improve the majority of our pages. Recently the Wiki has been handed over to a new team of moderators who are currently trying their best to fix the Wiki as fast as is reasonable. Because of the situation, much of the Wiki has been put under moderation lockdown so the average user cannot edit pages. However, we, the mod team, are not able to fix all 500+ pages of this Wiki alone. If you are knowledgeable about MM54321, can write a decent Wiki article, and have articles you wish to see updated we urge you contact us so we can give you access to the pages you wish to edit.

Editing Rules

  1. If you repeatedly rollback the same page over 5 times, after people changed your edit for a reason and requested that you stopped doing it, it can result in a 1-3 day ban.
    1. Rule 1 does not count if a vandal vandalizes a page, and you have to rollback repeatedly to prevent it from being vandalized.
  2. If you think someone does not deserve certain privileges, please contact the administrators and bureaucrats so they can investigate said user and determine if any action is to be taken. Please do not make false or unjust accusations, however.
    1. If you repeatedly request someone to lose privileges in multiple user talk pages, it can result in a 3-7 day ban.
  3. If you vandalize 1 page, including user pages, you can get blocked for 1 month. If you vandalize 2 pages, once again including user pages, you can get blocked for 1 year. If you vandalize 3+ pages, once again user pages, this can result in an infinite block.
    1. If you edit a user page other than your own to an insulting version, it can result in a week ban.
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