Welcome to the Official Monster Islands Wiki!
Here, you can find all the info you need about the stuff in-game!
Greetings adventurer, welcome to the Monster Islands Wiki! Where you can find all the nicks, knacks, crams and jams about the info you need in the game! In Monster Islands, chaos has erupted across a series of islands, and it's YOUR job to save them. You can also do Quests that can earn you money, experience, or even weapons. Monster Islands was created by TheSteelEagle but the wiki itself was made by one of Steel's friends, ColoTheEggboy.
"New to Monster Islands? feel free to read the several pages on the game with in depth information on islands, enemies, bosses, and weapons! You can also contribute to the wiki with your own information and there's even the possibility of becoming an admin if you meet the requirements!" ~Beta Meta Knight
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Home Page last edited by TheWikiaEditMachine (talk) 15:30, September 2, 2016 (UTC)
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