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Noir Wiki

Welcome to the Noir Wiki!
The unofficial source for information regarding the Noir anime, created by Bee Train.


This wiki contains SPOILERS about the events and characters of the series.
If you haven't yet finished watching Noir, it is recommend to return here only after finishing it.

We have been editing 223 articles since March 29, 2010. Any help is greatly appreciated!
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There are 950 images on this wiki, we could use your help if you added more helpful images to certain pages!
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Balkutsk (Russian: Балкутск) was a remote village that existed in the Soviet Union during the reign of Iosif Stalin, in 1951. It was home to the Norga ethnic group, of which Yuri Nazarov and his family were a part of. Balkutsk was attacked by the Tashkil, an opposing ethnic group that was the ancient enemy of the Norga. The attackers completely destroyed the village and all but annihilated its population. Nazarov himself was one of the few survivors of the atrocity and personally witnessed the murders of his family, a trauma that would shape him for the rest of his life.

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Episode: Return to Corsica

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