Introduction Real Account is a psychological horror manga written by Okushou with art by Shizumu Watanabe. The manga began publication on January 9, 2014. The story is set in the near future, year 20XX, when a social media application called Real Account (A.K.A. Re-aca) has become incredibly popular. Certain users who spend a lot of time on "Reaca" are sucked into cyberspace, where they are informed by "Marble", Reaca's mascot, that those who manage to survive will be allowed to return to the real world. |
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Masahide Eniguma is the President and Director of Real Account Co., Ltd. Along with Marble, he served as the main antagonist of the series. It's implied that Masahide know about the CAP Technology and tried to ask the Kashiwagi Laboratory members to join his project Real Account, but it's failed. Later, Masahide order Marble to kill Ataru Kashiwagi (Who later known as Yuuma Mukai) to forced the Kashiwagi Laboratory members to join his project.