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Rooster Teeth Wiki


Rooster Teeth Productions, LLC. was a production studio headquartered in Austin, Texas. The company specializes in live action films, animation, and machinima. Over a decade, Rooster Teeth has been known for popular series, such as Red vs. Blue, RWBY, and Camp Camp. Rooster Teeth also hosts the Let's Play Network. Channels of the network include Achievement Hunter, Funhaus, Cow Chop, and more.

Rooster Teeth Wiki is an encyclopedia dedicated to the Rooster Teeth community. Our wiki began in March 2009. Today, we host 1,758 articles.

Rooster Teeth Shows
Rooster Teeth Wiki 1tone
RvB main-page

Red vs. Blue

RWBY main-page


Genlock mainpage


Million Dollal main-page

Million Dollars, But...

On the Spot main-page

On The Spot

RTAA main-page

Animated Adventures

Campcamp main-page

Camp Camp

Nomad of Nowhere main-page

Nomad of Nowhere

Heroes and Halfwits main-page

Heroes and Halfwits

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The Roost icon
RT Podcast main-page

Rooster Teeth Podcast

Always Open main-page

Always Open

Off Topic Podcast logo main-page

Off Topic

Dude Soup logo main-page

Dude Soup

Let's Play Family

Lets Play main-page
Achievement Hunter main-page
Funhaus main-page
Cow Chop main-page
ScrewAttack main-page
Kinda Funny main-page
Cast and Crew
Dunkelman main-page

Barbara Dunkelman

MJones main-page

Michael Jones

Peake main-page

Matt Peake

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Helping out

Rooster Teeth's journey has ended. However, we maintain this wiki for the countless memories and plethora of content made by Rooster Teeth.

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YouTube Wikis

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The Amazing Marble Race

Angry Grandpa

Angry Video Game NerdAnimator vs. AnimationAnnoying OrangeAphmauAsdfmovieAwkward PuppetsBaby Lamb & FriendsBattle for Dream IslandBB Ki VinesBoot-UpBridger5BT21Captain SparklezCabiiCarmen KingCartoon BeatboxChannel FrederatorClare SiobhanCoryxKenshinThe CubeDanTDMDavemadsonDesmond DennisDixie D’AmelioDude PerfectEddsworldEdgy OobiEpic Rap Battle ParodiesEpic Rap Battles of HistoryFine BrosFred FigglehornFried Chili Cheese DogsFoil Arms and HogThe Game TheoristsGliderGreatest Freakout EverHermitcraftHobbyKids AdventuresHow It Should Have EndediHasCupquakeIloveRumaniaInanimate InsanityJackSepticEyeJaiden AnimationsJan Jan Erico CartoonsJazzyMewFanJoeysWorldTourKelseyDangerousKPoppKnights of the multiverseKushowaLDShadowLadyLet Me Explain StudiosLilsimsieLittle Einsteins RebootMarioMario54321MarkiplierMcJuggerNuggetsMeta RunnerMiss Madson Entertainment Inc.MistylyneMLG ParodyMrBeastMultiCoolmoviesMVPerryNewScapeProNigaHigaOnyxking67OverSimplifiedPamtriPencilmationPewDiePiePopToonsTVRayWilliamJohnsonRhett & LinkRooster TeethSakuraStarlightsScarceSchaffrillas ProductionsScott the WozSeducktiveSMG4SMLSMLYTPSmoshSomeThingElseYTSonicWhacker55SpongeBob SquarePants SSqaishey QuackStacyPlaysStampylongheadStarman3Stephen GeorgSuperJeffyJhacirTeam CraftedThe CreaturesTitototterTomSkaTroye SivanThe FamousonsUnspeakableVanossVat19Vester&FriendsWassabi ProductionsWikitubiaYogscastYou'll Know What to Name itYouTube OriginalsZiraxiaZombieGrass

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