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Scribblenauts Wiki

Welcome to Scribblenauts Wiki!

This wiki has 8,674 articles, growing since 7 June 2009, before the first Scribblenaut game's official release!
Feel free to visit our new Administrator's Board for some new topics and polls! Got a burning question and think we can help? Visit the FaQ Page!
Scribblenauts games
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Note: "@" method cannot be performed on the 3DS or mobile Versions without the use of hacking tools.

Some creations in Scribblenauts Unlimited can only be achieved using the "@" Method, as these items have an "@" (at) sign preceding it, which cannot be typed normally in the notepad. This was intended so that regular players cannot access these by inputting an @ character.

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Wiki news
06/07/2009 Scribblenauts Wiki is created by KingTT.
02/03/2010 Walkingtalkingcactus has been promoted to bureaucrat and administrator.
09/02/2010 Megatron1 adopted this wiki and has been promoted to bureaucrat and administrator.
09/02/2010 Maxwell the scribblenaut has been promoted to administrator.
09/02/2010 Alupe99a has been promoted to administrator.
11/15/2010 Maxwell the scribblenaut has been promoted to bureaucrat.
12/13/2010 Mafia Mettaur has been promoted to rollback.
03/12/2011 Psychicken17 has been promoted to bureaucrat, administrator and rollback.
04/14/2011 Psychicken17 has created the current graphic wordmark.
04/23/2011 Drakez has been promoted to bureaucrat, administrator and rollback.
10/28/2011 Scribblenauts Wiki has officially reached 1000 articles!
06/10/2012 Scribblenauts Wiki has reached 1500 articles!
06/17/2012 Joshduman has been promoted to bureaucrat, administrator and roll back.
03/03/2013 Toastmonster has been promoted to bureaucrat, administrator and roll back.
07/27/2013 CandD has been promoted to rollback as well as administrator.
04/07/2014 RhythmWalker has been promoted to rollback as well as administrator.
22/10/2018 HappyMasky has been promoted to administrator.
17/12/2019 Every object in Scribblenauts Unlimited has a page!
23/05/2023 Every adjective in Scribblenauts Unlimited has a page!
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Not sure where to start?
  • When you create a page, there will be instructions on what to put in to make it a well-developed page.
  • For info regarding images and how to obtain, save, and crop them, contact the active administrators or check out HappyMasky's tutorial on saving images.
  • All objects in Unlimited and Showdown have a page, if you find a word that doesn't have, try checking if it's a synonym by searching for similar objects, or by using the object editor technique.
  • There are adjectives and DC objects that still need a page. You can check out those lists to see if you have information about the missing pages.
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