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Titlecard The Secret Life of the American Teenager

Welcome to The Secret Life of the American Teenager Wiki!

The Secret Life of the American Teenager Wiki is a free, public and collaborative encyclopedia for everything related to the hit ABC Family TV show The Secret Life of the American Teenager. Here, you can find everything you need to know about the past five seasons, and all about the characters as well.

This Wikia was created July 30, 2008 and is currently run by FateSealers.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please respect all views, opinions and perspectives. This Wikia is meant for a better understanding of the show, and for a strong, friendly community. Hateful or vulgar posts against someone or something can and will be removed by the Admins. Thank you for reading this notice; please spread the word, and keep it nice. This Wikia contains major spoilers, either from the show, book series or indeed both and are in no way censored.

CAUTION: This wikia contains spoilers from The Secret Life of the American Teenager series.

See where it all began
Meet the characters!
A landmark achievement
Relive the ending to their stories

See where it all began

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Meet the characters!

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A landmark achievement

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Relive the ending to their stories

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See where it all began
Meet the characters!
A landmark achievement
Relive the ending to their stories

The Teens

Amy Underwood
Ricky Underwood
Adrian Lee
Ben Boykewich
Grace Bowman
Jack Pappas
Shailene Woodley
Daren Kagasoff
Francia Raisa
Ken Baumann
Megan Park
Greg Finley
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Richard "Ricky" Underwood was known for being a manipulative bad boy and womanizer throughout his time at Grant High School. After suffering from abuse during his childhood, he grew up in care and was eventually adopted by his foster parents Margaret and Shakur. Thanks to his dark past, he often acts out by directing his anger at anyone and everyone but thanks to the help of Dr. Fields, Amy and his son John, he learns the value of forgiveness and works hard to change the error of his ways.

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