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Silica Wiki

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105 articles • 206 files • 1,355 edits
About the Wiki

Welcome to the official Silica Silica wiki! This encyclopedia maintained by the community will inform you on everything you may need to know!

This wiki is maintained mostly by user GOLANX who you can find in the Silica discord. Statistics are grabbed from game files but the Game does change regularly some stat changes may be missed, you can ask around on the discord if you believe information is inaccurate and if you want to correct any outdated stats feel free to pitch in. This wiki currently contains the vast majority of known lore, you can find the Lore throughout the Pages below, there is still much planned for the game, and there are surprises in store during the planned campaign,

the Centauri Faction will be coming soon, Until then the Centauri page is mostly a repeat of sol page with the addition of Centauri Lore. Centauri and Sol are currently the same in game, expect this to change, when the faction is released.

Important articles
About Silica

Silica is a crossover of FPS and RTS where up to 3 factions battle for control over the planet of Baltarus in the Year 2401. Where players play either as a commander in RTS or experience the action first-hand. Silica offers both single and multi-player opportunities and players can engage as one of 3 playable factions.

The Game Development is currently lead By Martin “Dram” Melichárek.

The Game is also being Published by Bohemia Interactive in the Bohemia Incubator Program
