Welcome |
There are currently 29 articles, 531 edits and 0 active users on this wiki. |
Who is SKYLE? |
Members | ||||||||||||
Discography |
Featured Member |
"Ginny" (지니) is The Main Rapper and Lead Dancer in SKYLE. She debuted as a member of SKYLE with the 1st single album "Fly Up High" on August 4, 2021.
Featured Album |
"Fly Up High" (천사의 날개를 내거줘) is the 1st single album by SKYLE. The album consist of four tracks including the lead single "Fly Up High". It was released on August 4, 2021.
Affiliates |
Birthdays in February |
None of the members were born in this month |
Popular Tracks |
Embedded media: https://embed.spotify.com/?uri=spotify%3Aartist%3A6P3aSKZZtsDE8GTMJVeobh