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Stumpt Wiki

Welcome to the Stumpt Wiki.


This wiki has all the info you need on the YouTube and Twitch gaming group Stumpt. You can edit it as you like (within reason). Please do not add anything that is offensive to any page in the Stumpt Wiki.

Please read the rules before you make any contributions to the Stumpt Wiki. That way everyone should have a good time on the Stumpt Wiki.

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56 articles and growing! • 126 photos and growing! • 0 active editors and growing! • 2,350 total edits and growing! • OverviewWiki tutorialHelp pages

Head Bureaucrat, SamCraftRecon • Bureaucrat, StumptGamers • Moderator, Mr. Newton 2.0 • Moderator, Sowhat52Ben.

Basic Rules

  • Do not add the last name of any Stumpt member, their place of work, home addresses, personal relationship information and etc. (for privacy reasons). As a rule of thumb, if you can discern information by casually watching their videos, then that information is likely okay to be put on the wiki unless it has been specified by Stumpt/Stumpt's mods or any Stumpt Wiki Bureaucrat, Admin or Mod that it is not allowed on the Stumpt Wiki before and after being added/edited.
  • Do not add curse words, unless it is part of a quote (please use good judgement in this regard).
  • Treat others in the comments and the Stumpt Wiki nicely. No fighting, bully, harassment, etc. to anyone.
  • Read over all of your edit(s) and make sure nothing may be misunderstood as rude or offensive by anyone reading.
  • If you see someone added something rude, please remove it and if you think it's necessary, please report the user.

Who Is Stumpt?

Stumpt is a gaming group that consists of Ash, Jas, Price, Rik and latest addition Aenne. They are a 4-player dedicated gaming channel on the video sharing website YouTube and they also stream on the live video streaming platform Twitch. Following Rik's increasing real--life responsibilities, he moved to a editorial role, giving way for Aenne to join the crew.

Stumpt also has their own website, has the latest videos from every Stumpt channel or Stumpt members channel. also has Stumpt's upload schedule for their main YouTube channel on their website as well as a blog, a separate channels section and a Stumpt Merchandise store

Their most popular series include Minecraft, Gang Beasts, Ultimate Chicken Horse and G.T.A. V, but they play many more games like Viva Pinata, Scrap Mechanic, Starbound and Dead by Daylight, just to name a few.

Most of the Stumpt team have their individual channels like Stumpt Jas, Stumpt Rik, and Stumpt Price, who post individual content of their own playing either by themselves or with a friend either in the Stumpt team or outside the Stumpt team. Unlike Jas, Rik and Price, Ash is the only member of Stumpt who doesn't upload videos on his channel.

All of Stumpt's YouTube Channels


Stumpt Jas

Stumpt Rik

Stumpt Price

Stumpt Live

Members of Stumpt







Stumpt Websites/ Stumpt Affiliated Websites/Other

Groups in Stumpt

Graph depicting groups in Stumpt

Ash Price Jas Rik Aenne
Ash Pancake Married Rash Incorporated Team Husband
Price Pancake Stumpt Industries Fusion Team Princess
Jas Married Stumpt Industries Waffle Co-optails
Rik Rash Incorporated Fusion Waffle
Aenne Team Husband Team Princess Co-optails

The Alabaster Bros.

  • Rivals of Stumpt Inc.
  • Wanted for various crimes: factories that have polluted the environment of several worlds, company sabotage and attempted murder on multiple occasions.

Let's Plays

On-going Let's Plays

Weekly Series

Episodic Series

Finished Let's Plays

Minecraft Let's plays

Other Let's Plays



Latest activity

YouTube Playlist References

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Pages that are wanted but don't exist.

Pages that are in need of being updated & edited.