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The Bureau of Magical Things Wiki

The Bureau of Magical Things Wiki
Update (16 September 2020): Filming of Season 2 completed! Coming soon!
Library of Magic
Magical Beings
Magical World


Learn about the characters of the series.

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Library of Magic

Follow our heroes and know the art of magic.

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Magical Beings

Understand the different magical beings.

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Magical World

Explore the Magical World.

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Library of Magic
Magical Beings
Magical World
Welcome to the official The Bureau of Magical Things wiki, a collaborative encyclopedia for everything and anything that is related to The Bureau of Magical Things! There are 583 articles and the wiki has been growing ever since it was founded in April 2018. Please contribute to this wiki so that we can create a comprehensive database for the series. Today is February 22 and there are currently 5,985 edits to this wiki. You can easily add to that number! Please read the Policies, and have fun on the wiki!
About the Show

This extraordinary original series follows the adventures of teenage girl Kyra who is magically transformed into a Tri-ling when caught in a clash between an elf and a fairy. Now being part human, part fairy and part elf, her new friends Lily (a fairy) and Imogen (an elf) introduce her to their secret world and take her to a magic school headed by Professor Maxwell. Here Kyra learns how to control her newfound magical powers and begins to lead a double life. When Kyra develops powerful unpredictable magic, and the source of her power is revealed, she becomes a valuable weapon and an unexpected threat emerges. These young guardians, humans, fairies and elves must unite to save both their worlds.


Did you know?
Club Der Magischen Dinge on ZDF
The Bureau of Magical Things is being broadcast in 170+ countries worldwide! Produced and premiering in Australia, the show is covered by this Wiki in its original language (English), yet numerous international translations are out there (such as Germany's Club Der Magischen Dinge). If you are a fan of The Bureau of Magical Things and you speak any language other than English, feel free to create and/or contribute to your native language's version of this Wiki and link back here. Together, we will give rise to an international family of Wikis reflecting the worldwide hit that is The Bureau of Magical Things.
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