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Thunder Force Wiki

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Welcome to the Thunder Force Wiki
We are currently editing over 335 articles, and you can help

This wiki is your first stop for learning about the free-roaming, horizontal-scrolling Shoot Em Up series created by Technosoft in 1983.

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Thunder Force Games
ThunderForce1Logo ThunderForce2Logo ThunderForce3Logo
Thunder Force Thunder Force II Thunder Force III
ThunderForceACLogo ThunderSpiritsLogo
Thunder Force AC Thunder Spirits
ThunderForce4Logo ThunderForce5Logo ThunderForce6Logo
Thunder Force IV Thunder Force V Thunder Force VI
Other Technosoft Shoot 'Em Ups
ElementalMasterLogo HyperDuelLogo BlastWindLogo
Elemental Master Hyper Duel Blast Wind
Sister Wikis and Affiliates

HeroesWiki GradiusWiki RaidenWiki ShootemUpWiki

About the Series

The Thunder Force Series is a series consisting of six shoot 'em up video games. Most of the games revolve around a group called the Galaxy Federation struggling to protect the galaxy from the evil, omnicidal ORN Empire, to gain the advantage in the war, they construct a a series of small, but powerful starfighters, to help counter the invading forces and destroy the main source of the Empire.
