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Touhou Wiki

Welcome to the Touhou Project Wiki!

Touhou Project is a series of vertical-scroller danmaku (barrage or bullet hell) shooting games made by Team Shanghai Alice, with three fighting game spinoffs co-produced with Tasogare Frontier. They are similar to regular shooting games, but focus more on weaving through complex patterns containing anywhere from dozens to hundreds of bullets. The games are set in the fantasy land of Gensokyo, and the series is known for its huge cast of characters, well-developed storylines, and related materials such as music CDs, fan-made comics and animated videos made to the music.

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DS aya

Aya Shameimaru is Gensokyo's resident reporter, known for writing "slightly" exaggerated news articles about anything that happens in Gensokyo. She's very strong and is probably stronger than she shows since she sometimes "accidentally wins" battles while only meaning to cover a news story.

During the events of Phantasmagoria of Flower View she sets out to cover what promises to be an interesting news story, apparently having had completely forgotten that the exact same event had occurred 60 years ago. Even though she was alive and around during the previous flower incident, perhaps her memory is clouded by the thousands of facts and rumors she hears every day.

When Aya was sent by the other Tengu to see who the intruder on Youkai Mountain was during Mountain of Faith she was surprised to see it was the heroine...

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This wiki is a collaborative encyclopedia about Touhou Project, created by fans for fans, and anyone can edit! We depend on readers like you getting involved and adding content. Visit the Community page to see what needs to be done, or just click the "ADD NEW PAGE" or "EDIT" button at the top of any page to get started!

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