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TS!Underswap Wiki

Welcome to the Official TS!Underswap Wiki!
Hello! This is the official wiki dedicated to Team Switched's fangame, TS!UNDERSWAP.

We're currently a work-in-progress, so feel free to contribute any public information regarding the game!
Please make sure to read the submission rules below before making any edits or contributions!



Read about the AU!

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Read about the cast!

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Read about the locations!

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Submission Rules
When submitting content to this wiki, you must follow these guidelines:

1.) Only contribute canon information. In other words, do not submit false information regarding TS!UNDERSWAP to this wiki--only information that has been released by the developers.
Make sure to include references for information contributed to the wiki!

2.) Please do not contribute completely irrelevant information, as this Wiki page is obviously meant for TS!UNDERSWAP and not any other subject.

3.) Please make sure to use proper formatting when making pages. If you're confused, please reference existing pages on what they should look like.

4.) Use proper grammar and spelling when making contributions to pages. If you have trouble understanding how to do so, please do not make contributions.

5.) Any images uploaded must be higher quality .PNG images; please do not use .JPEG images. Source files may be provided.

6.) We need more rules! If you have any ideas, please contribute them.

Failure to follow above guidelines when submitting content to this wiki will result in the page's deletion or modification. Repeat offences will result in a ban.

Latest activity

Official Links
Team Switched Twitter
Team Switched YouTube
Team Switched SoundCloud

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