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UniteUp! Wiki

Welcome to UniteUp! Wiki!

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AneLaLegitProtostarJAXX/JAXXAll Characters
We currently have 754 edits to 36 articles and 104 images on this wiki.

What's "UniteUp!"

The anime's story centers on Akira Kiyose, who sings on a video streaming siteunder the singer name "KIKUNOYU." One day the talent agency sMiLeaProduction scouts him. sMiLea is an agency founded by the retired legendaryidol pair AneLa to train new budding idols. Akira then forms an idol groupwith Banri Naoe and Chihiro Isuzugawa, who were also scouted. Their newgroup, Protostar, will have their debut alongside other new idol groups withsMiLea Production: Legit and Jaxx Jaxx.

Music Videos