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West of Loathing Wiki

Welcome to the West of Loathing Wiki
The West of Loathing reference written and maintained by the players.
Please feel free to contribute by creating new articles or expanding on existing ones.

We are currently maintaining 7,170 pages (1,856 articles).

Available on Steam, Windows, MacOs and Linux
About West of Loathing

Say howdy to West of Loathing — a single-player slapstick comedy adventure role-playing game set in the wild west of the "Kingdom of Loathing" universe. Traverse snake-infested gulches, punch skeletons wearing cowboy hats, grapple with demon cows, and investigate a wide variety of disgusting spittoons.

Talk your way out of trouble as a silver-tongued Snake Oiler, plumb the refried mysteries of the cosmos as a wise and subtle Beanslinger, or let your fists do the talking as a fierce Cow Puncher. Explore a vast open world and encounter a colorful cast of characters, some of whom are good, many of whom are bad, and a few of whom are ugly.
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We are currently maintaining 7,170 pages (1,856 articles)!
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