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The Imperium of Mankind

Adeptus Astartes

Astra Militarum

"How-to" Guides

The Imperium of Mankind
Adeptus Astartes
Astra Militarum
"How-to" Guides

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...a fan-based community that is about the tabletop game Warhammer 40,000 produced by Games Workshop. We are an all-inclusive community that welcomes those who wish to join a positive, supportive environment to create their own fanon lore. Everybody is free to create, write and enhance articles. So come on in and join! Please note that the wiki is for fanon only. Anything found outside of user pages will be subject to deletion. The complete content of the WH40K Homebrew Wiki actually consists of 4,487 Articles.

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Lunar Venatorii 2
487th Lunar Venatorii Cavalry Regiment

The 487th Lunar Venatorii 'Panther' Cavalry Regiment, known unofficially as the 'Wyrm Gendarme', is an Astra Militarum Cavalry Regiment hailing from a little known sector of space close to the borders of the Tau Empire known as Ishtar. On the training moon of Verliaus, the academies of war train the best and brightest of the Fringe if not the sector, forming the Lunar Venatorii regiments of the Astra Militarum, famed in the Imperium for their diverse units and atypical forms of combat. They form into additional personnel for various fleets....Read more...

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Imperial News

Mia Pallas Blog: Gav Thorpe Live! - We are happy to announce that Gav Thorpe has joined us on our homebrew server and we will be having a live chat Q&A with him on Saturday June 12th at 15:00 GMT. Please join us as we raffle off a novel written by Gav Thorpe and a chance to ask a question!!!