Welcome to the Yandere Simulator Wiki!
Help fellow yanderes!
It is not sponsored or affiliated with the developer or any external communities in any way and is being worked on and maintained by enthusiasts.
If you noticed outdated, missing, or unconfirmed information, sign up, confirm your e-mail and fix the page!
Fanon Wiki
- Want to share your OCs?
- Seeking help with Pose Mod?
- Looking for mods?
Then visit the Fanon Wiki!
This wiki is strictly for original Yandere Simulator content and does not permit adding any other content outside Discussions and Discord.
- Chat with other fans on our Discord server!
- Interested in helping the wiki? Join Editors server and we will be happy to help you!
Don't forget to read this page before joining.
Visit our discussions page if you have any questions or want to chat with fellow Yandere Simulator fans!